Please refer to your acceptance e-mail for the details of your acceptance and your M圜ity login information. These steps can be found on the checklist of your personalized "M圜ity" web page. Prior to scheduling your test, you must accept our offer of admission and satisfy your commitment deposit.

You have 30 minutes to complete each section. There are 5 sections, each with 10 questions: Arithmetic, Algebra Part I, Algebra Part II, Trigonometry, and Pre-calculus. The CCNY Math Placement Test is in-person, timed, and multiple choice. Scores on the CCNY Math Placement Test are valid only for City College and you may only take this test once. However, it does affect which course you will be eligible to take based on your major requirements and/or major entry criteria. This test does not affect your acceptance into the college. If you are unsure of your placement, please see your academic advisor for assistance. If you are a transfer student you are not require to take the CCNY Math Placement test, your math placement is based on previous coursework as evaluated by our Transfer Evaluation Office. All incoming freshman who have met the CUNY's proficiency requirement in math, are required to take the CCNY Math Placement Test. The CCNY Math Placement Test is administered to all incoming freshman and is used for placement into mathematics or mathematics related courses.